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General Information of German Industry Parts
German Industry Parts is a one-stop sourcing solution that provides machinery and parts supply services to original brands, private labels, distributors, subcontractors, system integrators, value-added resellers and patent creators worldwide. In addition to private consultancy and project management, we offer end-to-end production services with the support of factories operating in our region.
Quality and quantity control of tradable goods; We provide services to companies/organizations that apply to our company in order to carry out international surveillance activities regarding the determination of the situation during storage, loading, unloading and transportation, as well as the determination of the correctness of the most appropriate price and customs classification, including the exchange rate and financial conditions.
In other words, the importer and/or exporter can apply to our company to make sure that the issues they agreed on regarding the product subject to foreign trade are fulfilled.
German Industry Parts, product features, quality, quantity, price, etc. It performs measurements and analyzes on issues and informs the relevant company about the necessary information.
International Trade and Barriers
In international trade, apart from the tariffs that states apply to each other, there are practices that are not within the scope of tariffs but contain a number of rules restricting trade.
Non-trade barriers include quotas, embargoes, licensing, standards, and various methods that can vary from country to country, and are frequently used by large and developed economies.
Non-trade barriers include methods for artificially regulating the trade balance and controlling the amount of trade between a country in order to protect its own economy or to have an effect on the economy of the other country.
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German Industry Parts
Ensuring that the products offered to the market are safe is among the main priorities of the countries. For this purpose, German Industry Parts, which closely examines the technical criteria (standards and technical regulations) that the products must comply with and the conformity assessment procedures that certify that the products are produced in accordance with these criteria, and offers radical solutions to the problematic and long customs procedures, at the same time, the technical barriers in trade and free international trade. produces alternative solutions to the obstacles that negatively affect the flow. Our company is aware of its responsibilities in expanding the trade volume of countries and ensuring a sustainable increase in exports.