- Advanced touchscreen panel 320 x 240 pixels QVGA- 5.7" TFT - 64 MB
- Contact us if the item is sold out. We can often get it through our suppliers
and quantity control of tradable goods; We provide services to
companies/organizations that apply to our company in order to carry out
international surveillance activities regarding the determination of the
situation during storage, loading, unloading and transportation, as
well as the determination of the correctness of the most appropriate
price and customs classification, including the exchange rate and
financial conditions.
In other words, the importer and/or
exporter can apply to our company to make sure that the issues they
agreed on regarding the product subject to foreign trade are fulfilled.
Industry Parts, product features, quality, quantity, price, etc. It
performs measurements and analyzes on issues and informs the relevant
company about the necessary information.